Tutorials by Professor Thomas Jaramillo

Professor Jaramillo has done tutorials for a number of different events, including the Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) and the Center for Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion (CNEEC). For your convenience, the publicly available tutorials are linked below.

Stanford Energy 3.0 (Precourt Institute for Energy, 2015)

Stanford Energy 3.0 Homepage
Stanford Energy 3.0 Video Library

Electrocatalysis 101 (GCEP, 2012)

Slides (3.9 MB)
GCEP Energy 101 Tutorials Library

Synthetic Fuels 101 (GCEP, 2014)

Slides (4.6 MB)
GCEP Energy 101 Tutorials Library

Electrocatalysis (CNEEC, 2012)

CNEEC Tutorials Library