Center for Interface Science and Catalysis

Professor Thomas Jaramillo is the Director of SUNCAT, as well as the Task Leader for synthesis, characterization, and demonstration. The Jaramillo Group works closely with the other PIs in SUNCAT to tackle challenges in energy conversion.

Summer Institute 2019

Dates: Monday, August 12 to Friday, August 16 2019
Location: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
                 2575 Sand Hill Road
                 Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA

Catalysis in an Evolving Energy Landscape
As renewable energy technologies continue to grow in capacity, heterogeneous catalysis is becoming increasingly important, playing a central role in chemical transformations for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals. This summer school will provide participants with a detailed introduction to the fundamental concepts that govern heterogeneous catalysis and the cutting-edge research currently being pursued. Spanning electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, and gas phase heterogeneous catalysis, tutorials will be given by invited experts from academia and industry describing both theoretical and experimental approaches. Introductions will be given both to experimental techniques such as synthesis and advanced catalyst characterization, and also to modeling, simulation, and machine learning approaches.
This summer school is aimed at graduate students as well as early career researchers in chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, or materials science. Researchers of diverse backgrounds with an interest in experimental or theoretical studies of surface chemical processes and their applications in energy transformations are particularly encouraged to attend.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
For more information or to register, please click here .


"The SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis is a partnership between SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University. The Center explores challenges associated with the atomic-scale design of catalysts for chemical transformations of interest for energy conversion and storage. By combining experimental and theoretical methods the aim is to develop a quantitative description of chemical processes atthe solid-gas and solid-liquid interface. The goal is to identify the factors controlling the catalytic properties of solid surfaces and use these to tailor new catalysts. Our approach is to integrate electronic structure theory and kinetic modeling with operando and in-situ characterization techniques, synthesis of alloys, compounds, and functional nanostructures, and finally testing under realistic process conditions."

Learn More

SUNCAT Home Page
List of SUNCAT PIs
Recent Science Highlights and News
SUNCAT Research Overview
SUNCAT Facilities


CatApp is an web application that provides public access to DFT-calculated reaction and activation energies. It can be installed on your computer or smartphone can be found here. The application was first described in our article in Angewandte Chemie 2 JAN 2012.

Instructions for CatApp

Click here to start CatApp (Internet Explorer versions <IE8 are not supported)