Research Staff

Dr. Michaela Burke Stevens

Associate Scientist at SUNCAT/SLAC
Graduate School: University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, Chemistry and Biology
Project: Characterization of electrocatalytic materials and processes for renewable energy purposes


Dr. Alessandro Gallo

Associate Staff Scientist at SUNCAT/SLAC
Graduate School: University of Milan, Industrial Chemistry
Undergraduate School: University of Milan, Industrial Chemistry
Project: Characterization of bimetallic nanoparticles for carbon dioxide reduction by in situ/operando X-ray synchroton radiation spectroscopies.

Dr. Chris Hahn

SLAC Associate Staff Scientist
Graduate School: University of California-Berkeley, Chemistry
Undergraduate School:University of California-Berkeley, Chemistry
Project: Synthesis and characterization of theory-identified alloy catalysts for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to hydrocarbons and oxygenates.

Current Position: Staff Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr. Melis Duyar

SLAC Associate Staff Scientist
Graduate School: Columbia University, Earth and Environmental Engineering
Undergraduate School: Koc University (Turkey), Chemical and Biological Engineering
Project: Development of catalysts for hydrogenation of CO and CO2 to higher alcohols.

Current Position: Lecturer, University of Surrey

Dr. Laurie King

Stanford Research Engineer
Graduate School: Imperial College London (UK), Materials Department
Undergraduate School:University of Durham (UK), Department of Chemistry
Project: Development of photocathodes for hydrogen production via solar water splitting.

Current Position: Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr. Drew Higgins

SLAC Associate Staff Scientist
Graduate School: University of Waterloo
Undergraduate School: University of Waterloo
Project: Experimental synthesis, characterization and testing of electrocatalysts for sustainable energy conversion and storage processes.

Current Position: Assistant Professor, McMaster University

Dr. Jakob Kibsgaard

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Aarhus University, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center and Department of Physics and Astronomy
Undergraduate School:Aarhus University, Department of Chemistry & Department of Physics & Astronomy
Project: Development and understanding of electrocatalysts for energy conversion reactions.

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Denmark Technical University

Postdoctoral Scholars

Dr. Aniket Mule

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: ETH Zurich, Mechanical and Process Engineering
Undergraduate School: NITK Surathkal, Chemical Engineering
Project: Investigating stability and durability of electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction

Dr. Johanna Schroeder

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Bern, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Undergraduate School: University of Bremen, Faculty 2 Biology/ Chemistry, Germany
Project: Non-precious metal catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction

Dr. Peter Benedek

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: ETH Zurich, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate School: ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Project: Characterization of the electrocatalytic ammonia synthesis

Dr. Yi (Sheldon) Xu

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Toronto, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Toronto, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Project: Study and Optimize of Mass Transfer in Heterogeneous CO2 Reduction Systems

Current Position: Senior Scientist, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Joseph Perryman

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of California Davis, Department of Chemistry
Undergraduate School: Linfield College, Chemistry and Mathematics
Project: Ion transport effects on device failure; synthesis and characterization of mixed metal-oxide catalyst interfaces

Dr. Melissa Kreider

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Stanford University, Department of Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering
Project:Development of transition metal nitrides for the oxygen reduction reaction

Dr. Yi-Rung Linn

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: National Taiwan University, Taiwanm
Undergraduate School: National Cheng King University, Taiwan
Project: Tandem catalysis for electrochemical CO2 reduction.

Dr. Sarah Lamaison

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Undergraduate School: Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
Project: Development of high-performance catalysts through alloying strategies for CO2 reduction.

Current Position: Co-founder and CEO, Dioxycle

Dr. David Wakerley

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Cambridge, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: University of Warwick, Chemistry
Project: CO reduction on gas diffusion electrodes

Current Position: Co-Founder and CTO, Dioxycle

Dr. Lei Wang

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology
Project: Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to valuable chemical fuels

Current Position: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

Dr. Josh McEnaney

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Pennsylvania State University, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Chemistry
Project: Development of electrochemical systems for N2 reduction.

Current Position: Co-Founder and CTO, Nitricity

Dr. Andrew Wong

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of California - Berkeley, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: University of Chicago, Chemistry
Project: CO2 reduction

Current Position: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

Dr. David Ches Upham

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of California, Santa Barbara
Undergraduate School: McGill University
Project: Development of heterogeneous catalytic materials and processes for thermochemical conversion of CO/CO2/H2 to C2+ oxygenates.

Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia

Dr. Carlos Gilberto Morales Guio

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Osaka University (Japan), Department of Chemical Science and Engineering
Project: Catalyst engineering for the electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide into chemicals and fuels.

Current Position: Assistant Professor, UCLA, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Dr. Antaeres Dawn Antoniuk-Pablant

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Arizona State University, School of Molecular Sciences
Project: Developing integrated electrochemical-biological systems for the production of fuels and chemicals from CO2.

Dr. Amber Janda

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of California-Berkeley
Professional: Dow Chemical R&D 2007-2009
Undergraduate School: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Project: Thermocatalytic reduction of CO2 and CO to ethanol and higher alcohols .

Dr. Marat Orazov

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: California Institute of Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, Berkeley, Chemical Engineering
Project: Development of catalytic systems for higher alcohol synthesis from CO/CO2/H2 mixtures.

Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Dr. Maria Escudero Escribano

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
(Sapere Aude: DFF-Research Talent Grant)
Graduate School: Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), Department of Applied Physical Chemistry
Undergraduate School: University of Extremadura (Spain), Department of Chemical Engineering
Project: Efficient non-precious metal electrocatalysts for sustainable energy conversion.

Current Position: Assistant Professor of NanoChemistry, University of Copenhagen

Dr. Annelie Jongerius

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Utrecht University, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science
Undergraduate School: BSc. Chemistry from University of Amsterdam; MSc. Chemistry from University of Amsterdam
Project: CO2 hydrogenation and electrochemical CO2 reduction using copper-nanoparticle based catalysts.

Dr. Zhi Wei Seh

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Stanford University
Undergraduate School: Cornell University
Project: Design of electrocatalysts for clean energy conversion.

Current Position: Scientist, A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore

Dr. Sam Fleischman

Dates: 2013 - 2014
Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of California-Santa Barbara, Chemistry
Undergraduate School: University of California-San Diego, Chemistry
Project: Theory-guided screening of metal nanoparticles alloy catalysts for CO hydrogenation.

Dr. Maureen Tang

Dates: 2012-2014
Graduate School: University of California-Berkeley
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Drexel University

Dr. Arnold Forman

Graduate School: University of California-Santa Barbara
Undergraduate School: Coastal Carolina University
Project: Development of tailored optoelectronic and catalytic materials for production of renewable energy feedstocks.
Current Position: Bio-Logic Science Instruments - a designer and manufacturer of high performance laboratory research instruments and software.

Dr. Shin-Jung Choi

Dr. Arindom Saha

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Iowa, Inorganic Chemistry
Undergraduate School: Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India

Dr. Peter Vesborg

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Technical University of Denmark
Fulbright Scholar: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Undergraduate School: Technical University of Denmark
Project: Photoelectrodes and PtxY nanoparticle synthesis.
Current Position: Associate Professor, Physics Department, Technical University of Denmark

Ph.D. Graduates

Kabir Abiose

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Project: Development of membrane electrode assemblies for electrochemical CO2 conversion


Lingze Wei

Graduated: 2023
Thesis: Structure-function relationships in metal oxides and carbon-based catalysts for electrochemical energy conversion reactions (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Zhejiang University, China

Jaime Aviles Acosta

Graduated: 2023
Thesis: Operando measurements, reactor design, and kinetic analyses for electrochemical CO2 reduction (link)
Home Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate School: Indiana University

Dr. Sarah Blair

Graduated: 2022
Thesis: Developing a fundamental understanding of dynamic electrode-electrolyte interfaces during electrochemical ammonia production (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of New Mexico, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Sam Dull

Graduated: 2022
Thesis: TBD
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Northwestern University

Jose A. Zamora Zeledon

Graduated: 2022
Thesis: Design and development of electrocatalysts and their microenvironments for applications in fuel cells : a focus on silver-based materials and the oxygen reduction reaction (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, Berkeley

Dr. Daniel Corral

Graduated: 2022
Thesis: Designing electrolyzers to elucidate governing phenomena involved in the electroreduction of CO2 operating in bulk-neutral pH (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of South Florida

Dr. David Koshy

Graduated: 2021
Thesis: Investigations of carbon-based materials for electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, Berkeley

Dr. Eduardo Valle

Graduated: 2021
Thesis: Design and development of supported transition metal phosphide catalysts for syngas conversion to alcohols (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, San Diego

Dr. McKenzie Hubert

Graduated: 2021
Thesis: Engineering reduced precious metal catalysts for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Cornell University

Dr. Micha Ben-Naim

Graduated: 2021
Thesis: Engineering catalysts and interfaces for improved stability in photoelectrochemical water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Melissa Kreider

Graduated: 2021
Thesis: Development of non-precious metal catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. David Palm

Graduated: 2020
Thesis: Development of stable photocatalytic arrays for photoelectrochemical water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: University of Cambridge (MPhil)
Undergraduate School: University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Joel Sanchez

Graduated: 2020
Thesis: Engineering electrode and catalyst environments for enhanced water electrolysis (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, Riverside

Dr. Alan Landers

Graduated: 2020
Thesis: Utilizing synchrotron X-ray diffraction and X-ray adsorption spectroscopy to study materials for electrochemical reactions involving hydrogen and carbon dioxide (link)
Home Department: Chemistry
Undergraduate School: Missouri University of Science and Technology

Dr. Mike Boyd

Graduated: 2020
Thesis: Developing methods to inform catalyst design for the electrochemical oxidation of methane and alcohols (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Michigan

John Lin

Graduated: 2020
Current Position: Founder and President of Exaquest Carbon
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: City College of New York

Dr. Bill (Zhihua) Chen

Graduated: 2019
Thesis: Catalyzing electrochemical oxygen reduction to form hydrogen peroxide : from catalyst development to device integration (link)
Home Department: Chemistry
Undergraduate School: The University of Hong Kong, Department of Chemistry

Dr. Stephanie Nitopi

Graduated: 2019
Thesis: Understanding the factors that govern activity and selectivity of the electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction on copper catalysts (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Pennsylvania State University, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Brenna Gibbons

Graduated: 2019
Thesis: Catalyst development and characterization through gas-phase nanoparticle synthesis, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and machine learning (link)
Home Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate School: Dartmouth College, Department of Chemistry & Thayer School of Engineering

Dr. Reuben Britto

Graduated: 2019
Thesis: Investigating molybdenum disulfide as a protective catalyst for solar-water splitting devices (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Caltech, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Alaina Strickler

Graduated: 2018
Thesis: Core-shell nanomaterials for enhanced oxygen electrocatalysis (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Case Western Reserve University, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Jon Snider

Graduated: 2018
Thesis: Engineering bimetallic catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to alcohol products (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Texas-Austin, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Feaster

Graduated: 2017
Thesis: Designing reactors, methods, and catalysts for the understanding of the electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School:Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Current Position: Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Dr. Ieva Narkeviciute

Graduated: 2017
Thesis: Engineering nanostructured tantalum nitride photoanodes for solar water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Tommy Hellstern

Graduated: 2017
Thesis: Engineering catalysts, interfaces, and semiconductors for sustainable hydrogen production via solar driven water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Princeton University, Chemical Engineering
Current Position: Associate, McKinsey & Company

Dr. Pong Chakthranont

Graduated: 2017
Thesis: Development of nanostructured metal oxides as photoelectrodes and water oxidation catalysts for solar water splitting applications (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Northwestern University, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Toru Hatsukade

Graduated: 2016
Thesis: Investigating the effects of chemical composition and surface structure of catalysts on the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of California, San Diego

Dr. Jesse Benck

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: Engineering molybdenum sulfide electrocatalysts and silicon photocathodes for hydrogen production via solar water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Northwestern University, Chemical Engineering
Current Position: Senior Scientist, Open Water Power

Dr. Linsey Seitz

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: Developing enhanced mixed metal oxide catalysts for electrocatalytic water oxidation using insights from X-ray absorption spectroscopy (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Michigan State University, Chemical Engineering
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University

Dr. Desmond Ng

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: A precious-metal-free regenerative fuel cell for storing renewable electricity: fundamental catalysis studies and device development (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Illinois-Ubana-Champaign, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Etosha Cave

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: Developing gold-based electrocatalysts for the production of fuels from CO2 and water (link)
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Olin College, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. David Abram

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: Alloyed and chemically modified metal catalysts for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Ariel Jackson

Graduated: 2015
Thesis: Developing new catalysts for electrochemical energy conversion ruthenium-core platinum-shell nanoparticles for the oxygen reduction reaction (link)
Home Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate School: Rutgers University, Materials Science and Engineering

Dr. Blaise Pinaud

Graduated: 2013
Thesis: Fundamental studies for the design of tantalum nitride photoanodes for solar water splitting (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Waterloo

Dr. Benjamin Reinecke

Graduated: 2013
Thesis: Understanding the effects of nanostructuring on gold catalysis: a study of morphology, electronic structure, and electrocatalytic activity (link)

Dr. Kendra Kuhl

Graduated: 2013
Thesis: Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide on transition metal surfaces (link)

Dr. Yelena Gorlin

Graduated: 2012
Thesis: Development of manganese oxide based catalysts for the oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Current Position: Humboldt Foundation Fellow at Technical University of Munich (link)

Dr. Zhebo Chen

Graduated: 2012
Thesis: Nanostructuring molybdenum disulfide to engineer its surface and bulk properties for solar hydrogen production (link)
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate School: University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Current Position: Principal Member of Technical Staff at Energy Storage Startup

Visiting Scholars & Students

Dr. Felix Herold

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate: Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Chemistry
Undergraduate: Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Chemistry
Project: Metal-carbon interactions in electrochemical CO2 reduction


Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: NITK Surathkal, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Project: Monitoring Corrosion of Photoelectrocatalysts Using In-Situ ICP-MS

Biao Liu

Home Department: SUNCAT SLAC/Stanford University, Chemistry department of University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras
Undergraduate: Changchun University of Technology, Environmental Engineering
Project: Solar Hydrogen Production Catalysts Supported on Layered Zirconium Phosphate Nanoparticles

Prof. Christof Walter Braendli

Home Department: Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Materials and Process Engineering, Laboratory of Adhesives and Polymer Materials
Graduate:University of Berne (Switzerland) Department of Chemistry
Undergraduate: University of Zurich (Switzerland) Department of Chemistry

Dongrak Oh

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: University of Ulsan (UOU), Chemical Engineering
Project: MEA Design for electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction, Operando surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) investigation for electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction

Je Min Yu

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Chemical Engineering
Project: Design and demonstrate the photoelectrochemical Li-mediated nitrogen reduction reaction for ammonia production

Charline Remy

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: ENSCM, Material chemistry
Project: Study the degradation of the BPM anode during sea water electrolysis

Joel Jenny

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: ETH Zurich, Interdisciplinary Sciences
Project: MEA Design/Testing for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction

Dr. Seung Hoon Choi

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Graduate: Hanyang University, South Korea
Undergraduate: Hanyang University, South Korea
Project: Understanding electrochemical interfaces for transition metal CMP processes.

Bjoert Joenson

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Technical University of Denmark
Undergraduate School: Technical University of Denmark
Project: Analyzing ionomer modified catalysis for high current density CO2 electrolysis

Shunquan Tan

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate: Xi'an Jiatong University, China
Project: Experimental cell design for carbon dioxide, gas diffusion electrode, and tandem catalysis.

Dr. Yusaku Nishimura

Home Department: SUNCAT and Chemical Engineering
Graduate School: Kyoto University (Japan), Department of Fundamental Energy Science
Undergraduate School: Kyoto University (Japan), Global Engineering
Project: Combined spectroscopic and theoretical studies on electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to fuels.

Mr. Makoto Mitani

Home Department: SUNCAT
Graduate School: Rikkyo University
Undergraduate School: Tokyo Institute of Technology
Project: Research about ORR and OER catalysts for fuel cell applications.

Dr. Yawen Zhao

Home Department: Engineering Thermophysics
Graduate School: Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Science
Undergraduate School: Shandong University
Project: Solar thermal and thermochemical utilization.

Prof. Sung-Hyeon Baeck

Dates: 2010 - 2011
Home Institution: Inha University, South Korea

Prof. Paolo Anselmo Ziani Suarez

Dates: 2011
Home Institution: Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química

M.S. and B.S. Students

Nate Keyes
Kara Fong
Vikram Bali
Charles Bowling
Camilo Cabrera
Stephanie Cai
Yan-Jiun Chen
Meghali Chopra
Abrahim El-Gamal
Milena Gonzalez-Vasquez
Leah Kuritzky
Jeffrey Lou
Jeremy Madrigal
AJ Medford
Jared O'Leary
Jacob Olshansky
Fadi Saadi
Michelle Vezie
Yen-Chu "Angel" Yang