Professor Thomas F. Jaramillo

Department of Chemical Engineering Photon Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Office: Shriram Center Room 305


Recent years have seen unprecedented motivation for the emergence of new energy technologies. Global dependence on fossil fuels, however, will persist until alternate technologies can compete economically. We must develop means to produce energy (or energy carriers) from renewable sources and then convert them to work as efficiently and cleanly as possible. Catalysis is energy conversion, and the Jaramillo laboratory focuses on fundamental catalytic processes occurring on solid-state surfaces in both the production and consumption of energy. Chemical-to-electrical and electrical-to-chemical energy conversion are at the core of the research. Nanoparticles, metals, alloys, sulfides, nitrides, carbides, phosphides, oxides, and biomimetic organo-metallic complexes comprise the toolkit of materials that can help change the energy landscape. Tailoring catalyst surfaces to fit the chemistry is our primary challenge.

Professional Education

PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara (2004)
MS, University of California, Santa Barbara, Chemical Engineering (2000)
BS, Stanford, Chemical Engineering (1998)

Teaching at Stanford

CHEMENG 25E: Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use
An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption. Emphasis on energy technologies where chemistry and engineering play key roles. Review of energy fundamentals along with historical energy perspectives and current energy production technologies. In depth analysises of solar thermal systems, biofuels, photovoltaics and electrochemical devices (batteries and fuel cells). Prerequisites: high school chemistry or equivalent.
View in ExploreCourses (cross-listed as ENGR 25E)